The media were cruelly hoaxed by Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt on Saturday morning, when a white van allegedly carrying the twins away from the Nice Lenval Hospital turned out to be a local pizza delivery vehicle. An eyewitness explained, "The van had a huge neon sign on its roof flashing the words 'Angelina, Brad and Twins inside'. Naturally, the paparazzi and film crews took chase. There must have been a good half mile tailback."
After about a mile, the van stopped outside a house in the Nice Suburbs. "The bandwagon screeched to a halt," continued the witness. "Cameras started flashing; reporters and film crew set up; it was pandemonium." Unknown to the media circus, out stepped 22-year-old Nicolas Duval, a 'Luigi's' pizza delivery man, with an order of 12" deep pan Hawaiian; fries; coleslaw; and two cokes. "The man seemed most puzzled by all the attention," continued the witness. "He began posing for shots and even took off his white delivery uniform, so the paparazzi could get pictures of an impressive hairy chest."
Meanwhile, Angelina and Brad were having a good laugh back at the hospital via a minicam placed on the neon light. "The flashing words suddenly changed to "Gotcha!" along with a smiley face. I don't think the media were best pleased." A spokesman from the Lenval Hospital later said, "Angelina and Brad are planning to stay for some time. They like it here; they love the food; and get on well with doctors and staff. They may even buy the hospital and live here. Negotiations are presently under way." Adding, "Oh, and the twins are doing just fine too." This event brings back memories of the infamous Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes hoax, when the couple fooled the media into believing they were Irish leprechauns.
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After about a mile, the van stopped outside a house in the Nice Suburbs. "The bandwagon screeched to a halt," continued the witness. "Cameras started flashing; reporters and film crew set up; it was pandemonium." Unknown to the media circus, out stepped 22-year-old Nicolas Duval, a 'Luigi's' pizza delivery man, with an order of 12" deep pan Hawaiian; fries; coleslaw; and two cokes. "The man seemed most puzzled by all the attention," continued the witness. "He began posing for shots and even took off his white delivery uniform, so the paparazzi could get pictures of an impressive hairy chest."
Meanwhile, Angelina and Brad were having a good laugh back at the hospital via a minicam placed on the neon light. "The flashing words suddenly changed to "Gotcha!" along with a smiley face. I don't think the media were best pleased." A spokesman from the Lenval Hospital later said, "Angelina and Brad are planning to stay for some time. They like it here; they love the food; and get on well with doctors and staff. They may even buy the hospital and live here. Negotiations are presently under way." Adding, "Oh, and the twins are doing just fine too." This event brings back memories of the infamous Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes hoax, when the couple fooled the media into believing they were Irish leprechauns.
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