Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Angelina Jolie Beats Jennifer Love Hewitt In HD Hottie Poll

The Lara Croft star moves to the Final Four of HD Hottie Hysteria.
By Allison Moore

Washington, D.C. (March 24, 2008) -- Angelina Jolie has defeated Jennifer Love Hewitt in the Plasma division finals of HDTV 'Hottie Hysteria' -- TVPredictions.com's elimination tournament to determine who's the hottest female in High-Definition TV.

TVPredictions.com is posting a daily reader poll pitting one celebrity babe against another. Readers are being asked to vote on which female looks best in high-def. Then, based on their votes, each winner will move to the next round until only one woman is left standing.

In the Jolie-Hewitt contest, Angelina, the star of the Lara Croft films, captured 58 percent of the vote to Jennifer's 42 percent. (2,601 readers voted in the poll.)
Jolie, the top seed in the Plasma division of Hottie Hysteria, will now face the winner of the Scarlett Johansson-Maria Sharapova contest in the Final Four!

news source : http://www.tvpredictions.com/

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The lowdown on Angelina's heartburn

Elicia Murray
March 18, 2008


HOLD the front page - a pregnant woman is stressed. You know that it's a quiet week when the glossies have no option but to revert to that old chestnut, Angelina Jolie's baby bump.

It's not new, and the twins it is rumoured to house are showing no signs of checking out any time soon, but there are covers to fill and magazines to sell, so who better to splash with than Hollywood's most prolific kiddy-collector since Mia Farrow.

Famous reports Brangelina are shelling out $20,000 a month to lease a secluded ranch in Texas, which they are turning into a high-security fortress as the birth approaches. While babydaddy Brad Pitt works nearby on a new movie, Ange "may be suffering heartburn", an obstetrician reveals. NW has found a way to rehash the serial adoptress's murky past, saying she is plagued by concerns her sproglets may grow up to be addicted to drugs or sex. In other words, they should fit right in in La La Land.

"She's terrified of what DNA she's going to pass on to her babies," a source said. Even if they are head cases, at least the little mites are unlikely to be forced to wade in the shallow end of the beauty gene pool.

From ladypilot to man eater, Jennifer Aniston has assumed the mantle of a suicide risk with really good hair. She is pictured strolling on a beach reading a script with her Marley & Me co- star, Owen Wilson. Famous reports that pals of Wilson, who last year apparently tried to kill himself, fear he's not in the right place emotionally for a new romance, "not least with a woman with Jen's romantic history".

Why has the former Friends star been labelled a relationship no-go zone? Has she stalked her man-prey or forced them to colour co-ordinate outfits at awards nights? No, nothing so heinous. Turns out she just managed to accumulate a couple of exes by the time she hit 39, thereby ruling her out of girlfriend material contention.

This week's Who springs to her defence with an Elephant Man-inspired cover proclaiming: "I am not a victim". She may not be, but one rumoured beau, the Sex And The City actor Jason Lewis, deserves our sympathy. "Jason was trying to look hot but he had a major spray-tan going on," an observer remarked.
Meanwhile, there is trouble in TomKat paradise, with photos of Scientology's favourite gnome embracing a mystery brunette. Woman's Day sees NW's brunette and raises it a blonde, showing Tom Cruise kissing a second woman behind a bush. The bigger mystery is that he looks taller than both women. A trick of the lens perhaps.

news source : http://www.smh.com.au/

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Angelina Jolie Sexy Make Up Call for Brad Pitt

By Cyndi James
Mar 9, 2008

Angelina Jolie may be very pregnant but the one time vampy Hollywood sweetheart still understands that there is nothing like a little make up sex to ease the tensions between partners, a report from the National Enquirer claims. According to the published report Brad Pitt was not very happy with Jolie jetting off to Iraq and he is also not pleased with the lack of time joie is spending with him of late, the report claims.
Back to Mr. and Mrs. Smith for Angelina Jolie?

“Things were rough enough between Angelina and Brad before she became pregnant. But lately, she’s been a bundle of nerves and feeling incredibly insecure about her looks,” an insider told The Enquirer.
With four kids and twins on the way, “they’ve also had problems finding enough ‘alone time’ for each other. Due to her pregnancy and all the anxiety, their sex life has suffered.” But Jolie paid a visit to an adult store and picked up some pretty wild items to spice things up according to the magazine.

"Angelina spent about 30 minutes browsing in the Coco de Mer store on Melrose Avenue. She bought a peek-a-boo black bra, plus special tape used for bondage games," said a source. (She also bought one other item, which is even more personal and better left unprinted, the story from the Enquirer claims!). Back to Mr. and Mrs. Smith for Angelina Jolie?
The chatty insider claims, "Angelina feels sex is the only way to ease the fighting with Brad. So she put together a little bag of tricks to keep him busy in bed." It surely can't hurt.

news source : http://www.nationalledger.com/

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt to Stay in US: Baby to be Born in Texas?

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt could finally have a child born in the United States! The couple has temporarily set up shop in the rural town of Smithville, Texas, where Brad is shooting his latest film, OK! Magazine is reporting this week with their cover story. Does that mean they will stay in the state for the remainder of Jolie's pregnancy.

The magazine has the couple on the cover in what will run polar oppisite of earlier predictions that the baby would be born overseas. Many have already picked France as the birthplace for the couple that used Namibia for the birthplace of baby Shiloh.

One thing is certain about Jolie, she is still a celebrity, like Jennifer Lopez and Christina Aguilera before her just recently, despite a pronounced baby bump she is trying to use the pregnancy for publicity and to keep some sort of a public relations buzz going. So far it has worked. She has supplanted Jamie Lynn Spears and her sister Britney and is back where she belongs as a tabloid cover queen.

OK! Promises that they will have all the details on the Brangelina search for the perfect Texan home, who’s picking out the new baby’s name (they’re leaving it to one of their kids!) and why Brad doesn’t mind changing diapers.

news source : http://www.nationalledger.com/