NEW YORK - Actress and humanitarian activist Angelina Jolie said Thursday that the reinforcement of U.S. troops in Iraq has created an opportunity for humanitarian programs to boost assistance for Iraqi refugees. In an op-ed piece published by the Washington Post, titled "A Reason to Stay in Iraq," Jolie details the plight of refugees and says their conditions have not improved since she visited the country last August to urge governments to provide more support.
Jolie, who has been a U.N. goodwill ambassador since 2001, was in Baghdad earlier this month to again highlight the refugee problem. She talked with Gen. David Petraeus, the American military commander in Iraq, and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, the U.S. Embassy said. Petraeus "told me he would support new efforts to address the humanitarian crisis" as much as possible, "which leaves me hopeful that more progress can be made," the actress wrote.
She said she stressed to Iraqi officials there must be a coherent plan for helping some 2 million Iraqis who are taking advantage of the downturn in violence to begin trickling back to abandoned homes from havens elsewhere in the country. A similar number fled Iraq to escape the bloodshed. "It will be quite a while before Iraq is ready to absorb more than 4 million refugees and displaced people," Jolie wrote. "But it is not too early to start working on solutions."
The actress, who works on behalf of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, urged America's presidential candidates and congressional leaders to step up financing for aid to displaced Iraqis. UNHCR has asked for $261 million this year — "less than the U.S. spends each day to fight the war in Iraq," she wrote. Addressing the question of whether the "troop surge" has worked, Jolie said that "I can only state what I witnessed."
"When I asked the troops if they wanted to go home as soon as possible, they said that they miss home but feel invested in Iraq," she wrote. "They have lost many friends and want to be a part of the humanitarian progress they now feel is possible."
Angelina Jolie suffered a terrifying health scare 20,000 feet in the air - and collapsed in her plane seat, according to U.S. reports. Jolie was on the last leg of an 18-hour journey from Iraq home to L.A. when someone sitting close to her insists she went through the terrifying scare.
And she was reportedly given oxygen when she landed before medics gave her the go-ahead to leave. The reports are all the more alarming because Jolie is widely reported to be at least three-months pregnant with twins. “She started to get swollen ankles and nosebleeds and started having leg cramps,” the onlooker told Life & Style magazine in the U.S.
“She fainted into her seat.” She was encouraged to get out of the pane for a break on her journey, with the option of it landing an hour north of L.A. “Angie said no - she didn’t want any more delays,” the insider said. “She said she’d promised her kids she’d be home to make them lunch.”
According to Life & Style, Angie has been worried about her health - but is refusing to slow down. “She refuses to let fatigue dictate her schedule,” a friend told the magazine. “She reminds herself that there are pregnant women who work in fields for 10 hours a day, an then she feels guilty for even thinking about complaining.”
Angelina Jolie wants to adopt and also have another biological child in 2008. First though, she needs to come to terms with the loss of her mum Marcheline Bertrand who died in January. Her brother James, 34, told Now last week: 'When we lost our mom neither of us could stop crying. 'She fought it [cancer] for a very long time, 8 years on and off, but she got to see her grandchildren. That was the best – seeing her with Angelina's children.'
Now Angelina, 32, and partner Brad Pitt, 44, have told friends and family that they want to add to their brood of three adopted children – Maddox, 6, Pax, 4, Zahara, 2 – and 17-month-old baby daughter Shiloh. A close family friend says: 'They're adopting another child within the next three months. Pax and Mad are both from Asia, but Brad and Ange want Zee to have a companion from Africa.
'Ange is also going to try for another baby. She did have a movie role lined up, but that's been delayed, so she's trying to get pregnant straight away.' Angelina's also set to see a grief counsellor as she struggles with the pain of losing her mother. Almost a year on, she's still breaking down in tears and having trouble sleeping.
Her weight has plunged and she's become haunted by a fear of dying. Plagued by grim thoughts about her own mortality, she's been forced to look long and hard at her life. A close friend says: 'Ange's so down right now and in a really dark place. We're worried that she's suffering from depression. She's showing all the classic symptoms. Brad is aware of the problem and has persuaded her to get help.'
Angelina Jolie refused to answer any questions about her rumored pregnancy. The actress scolded a CNN reporter when she attempted to ask her if she and Brad Pitt were expecting again.
Jolie was talking with CNN about her involvement with helping Iraqi refugees. At the end on the interview reporter Arwa Damon started to ask Jolie about a possible baby on the way. Jolie cut Damon off before she could complete her question.
“Oh, don’t. Stop it. Stay true to your tradition. You’re CNN. Don’t do it,” Jolie said.
The 32-year-old is said to be pregnant with twins. She and Pitt have neither confirmed or denied the rumors. The couple already have a biological daughter Shiloh and three adopted children; Maddox, Zahara, and Pax.